Supported Configurations

Organizations participating in TAMUFederation must install and operate systems that can interoperate with other participants. TAMUFederation supports the following protocols, systems, and versions.

  • Protocol
    • SAML 2.0
  • Software
    • Identity Provider: Shibboleth System 4.x or 3.x (support for 3.x ends December 31, 2020)
    • Service Provider: Shibboleth System 3.1.0 (currently the only supported version)

TAMUFederation Deployment Guides

TAMUFederation-specific guides for installing and configuring the Shibboleth software:

Shibboleth software guides are also available:

Registering Your Systems in TAMUFederation: Metadata

To activate a resource (SP) or identity management system (IdP) in the federation, contact

Information required by the federation to process a request:

  • Metadata generated on the Identity/Service Provider
  • Service Providers should also send:
    • Attributes requested
    • the service you would like to use: test or production

Identity Attributes

To receive identity attributes from the Enterprise Directory, access to the attributes must be approved. The Access Request page provides details on this process.

TAMUFederation Operations Reference

TAMUFederation operates a number of technology platforms, including a web server, a WAYF server, and an x.509 v3 certificate authority (CA).